Networking ProTip: Influence Is Earned, Not Converted

Design your communication to be as authentic as your offering.

Networking ProTip:  Influence Is Earned, Not Converted

A gentle lullabying tone of friendly acquaintance-like "I understand you" persuasion, all warmly wrapped up and conveniently sent via ConvertKit, is not in any way, shape or form (to parrot the language in the sender's email): (a) authentic (b) genuine and/or (c) value adding and, (d) contrary to the underlying message on making connections, sending a short, generic email as a means to connect actually requires very little effort fact, I'd say the approach is absolutely inauthentic, the antithesis of genuine, adds zero f'g value and requires minimal to absolutely no f'g effort to send off (though perhaps, setting up ConvertKit and buying a random email list to spam with a FOMO tinged outreach, may require effort).

Yes, once again I'm ranting and rallying against take what seems to be the "easier" outreach path to connecting with potential customers or clients for your services.

If you're sending or tempted to send emails like the one I received and reproduced, in full, below, stop it, now.

Taking a slower, smaller (one contextualized connection at a time) approach to reaching out is IMHO more authentic, genuine, and value adding PLUS it is evidence that you have put in the effort - and is a smarter, more considerate, trust building way to grow your client based than attempting to convert by randomly emailing...💩

Imagine being introduced to a major influencer on LinkedIn or Instagram. Their large following and established credibility can open doors you never knew existed.
Being in their world isn't just about visibility. It's about learning from their expertise, observing their strategies, and adopting their best practices. You'll gain insights that can accelerate your growth.
When an influencer shares your content or mentions you, it validates your work to a broader audience. This endorsement can lead to new opportunities, partnerships, and a surge in your own following.
Remember, building these connections takes effort and authenticity. Engage genuinely, offer value, and don't be afraid to reach out. One meaningful introduction can transform your career.
Stay connected and keep growing.

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