MicroJoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life Is Not Okay

Even when life sucks, you can pluck out a little bit of joy

MicroJoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life Is Not Okay

MicroJoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life Is Not Okay by Cyndie Spiegl (New York, Penguin Life / Viking 2023)

Why you should read it: Because life sucks sometimes, AND even when it sucks, there is humor, hope and possibility to be found. This book is like the note from a good friend, just when you need it, providing empathy, insights and a solid reality check. Here’s the thing (actually two things) because Cyndie’s point is two things can exist at the same time. When we embrace this emotional flotsam and jetsam, (no, one emotion does not have to win!), we’ll surface more tender (and unexpected) moments of joy.

+ If you need more to convince you on the necessity of microjoys, check out “If You're One of the Millions Who Are Uneasy Right Now, This Author Says Having a "Microjoy" Practice Can Help You Stay Hopeful” in Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper.

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