Is It OK To...Feel Like A Weirdo?
Is it OK to be doing all the right things to network a business stealthy, and still feel like a weirdo?
Ok Kelly -
I'm building a new consulting practice - strategically and stealthy. For the time being, I'm not posting online about my new business or connecting publicly with others (people, groups etc.) to talk about it. I do have a website and forward it to connections directly.
So far, with your help (your newsletter, blog, book, podcast), I have cobbled together the networking that I can:
• Using the network I have to seek out warm intros.
• Approaching networking generosity by solving difficult collective problems.
• Prioritizing cultivating that core group of supportive professional women (which I've heard you talk about).
• Posting thought pieces on LinkedIn, which is in line with my desired role as being • viewed as an expert in my field and a thought partner.
• Selectively attending events.
• Selective, direct and informed outreach.
While I believe I'm being authentic in my networking during this interim pre-public launch period, the need to keep the business under the radar, makes me feel like a weirdo.
SWF (Stealth Weirdo Founder)
Dear SWF,
I think you answered your own question. It does feel "weird" to be connecting as if behind a theatrical scrim. Networking etiquette demanding transparency combined with the pressure (and excitement?) of building a new business pushing against the requirement of having to remain stealthy under the radar...oh, nothing awkward to look at there 😅😅😅
This is your present networking reality, one you're handling more than capably.
But of course, I have a three thoughts for you.
- Don't pressure yourself into thinking you need to do more. "What else should I be doing?" is a networking affliction I've come to observe, especially in conscientious types who believe there is more outreach or connecting they can or should do...
- Ensure you've got a follow-up and circle-back strategy. You're making lots of new connections, likely getting help from mentors, advisors and others in your existing network. Find ways to keep them in the loop!
- As you are in the early phase of building your business, make sure someone in your inner circle has understanding of this experience.