From My Inbox: Cheers To Work Drinks
Random thoughts (typically related to networking) along with 💩 curated from my inbox.

I like a dive bar.
If I hadn't hung out with work colleagues, I would not have discovered a gem snuggled in the midst of chain restaurants, neon signage, suburban mall retail, and the general chaos that is Times Square in NYC.
Grabbing a drink after work or finding another way to casually socialize with colleagues has upsides beyond the opportunity to do better work together.
Unless you open yourself up to the possibility that the drink isn't work, or "making friends" with co-workers, but instead, is a brief slice of time to connect with curiosity to these other humans who you spend a rather significant amount of your waking hours collaborating and colliding with (all under the auspices of producing great work), you won't ever know, will you?
Whether you're the generation who likes hanging out after work at the pub with colleagues or not, what has not changed through time or technology is this: people still want to work with those they know and trust. As this networking principle unsurprisingly also applies to the workplace - my strong suggestion is to figure out a way that works for you to be known, and trusted by others.
The Real Reason Gen Z Don't Want To Go To The Pub (Daily Mail)
What Superfans Know That the Rest of Us Should Learn (WSJ)
Ambitious Goals Require Collective Efforts (BYDN Blog)
Effective Networking Practices for Starting, Advancing, or Changing Your Career (Bad Credit)
Getting AI to Do Your Work (Seth's Blog)
The Sunday Story: What Do We Need? In her interview with NPR's Ayesha Rascoe, author, entrepreneur and founder of ColorComm, Lauren Wesley Wilson shares an early career story of not understanding and participating in the culture at work.
Book Suggestion:
Unabashedly and unapologetically embrace what you love, with a little help from my recommended read: This Is Not A Book About Benedict Cumberbatch
Personal branding and marketing bootcamp with my phenomenal friend, trailblazing entrepreneur and investor, Lauren Maillian? Oh, say yes to this opportunity! November 14-17 strategy meets luxury meets learning and lasting connections. And yeah, let's see who is reading all the way down to the bottom of this newsletters... if you ask me in a nice way, I may have a couple of discount codes for Lauren's retreat to give away.