From My Inbox: Take The Key

Random thoughts along with useful πŸ’© curated from my inbox.

From My Inbox: Take The Key

My career message this week: take the key.

The key to increasing your career satisfaction, and probabilities of achieving the success you dream of, is by dropping the notion the "they" (company, boss, organization) should be making the first investment in you. Hey, it is great when they do, but don't vainly wait for someone else to hand you the key to unlock a door you could have already stepped through on your own.

That week was the first time in my entire career that an employer had dedicated so many resources to my professional development. It was also the first time in memory where I’ve had the opportunity to expand my professional skills so broadly. Having the opportunity to learn so much at once can be humbling, but it’s also incredibly precious and rare, especially a couple of decades into my career.

πŸ’‘Morning edition, personal edition (Lady Business)

πŸ’‘Watch 100,000 Dominoes Topple to the Ground in a Dazzling Eight-Minute Display (Smithsonian)

πŸ’‘Reclaiming β€œfiasco” (Seth's Blog)

πŸ’‘The volunteer musicians who perform in the aftermath of violence and tragedy (Aeon)

πŸ’‘Ever thought of ranking your friends in silly, random categories? (The Guardian)

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