From My Inbox: Success

Random thoughts along with 💩 curated from my inbox.

From My Inbox: Success

Think you can't change your personality...think again. New research indicates you are capable of intentionally shaping the traits you need to be successful in the life you desire.

So...for all those who are imagining they "suck at networking because they're an introvert" - time to drop that excuse. You can be quite good at it, if you intentionally put your mind to trying, as well as discovering ways to connect that successfully work for you.

Does that mean transforming yourself into an extrovert? Hell no!

It means intentionally committing to connecting with others - and sustaining a commitment to your network. Intentionally is finding ways to engage so you don't come across as a transactional narcissistic Jeff Goldblum's fabulously brilliant Zeus in the TV series KAOS for example (please note: if the authentic networking for you is so self-focused that you completely ignore others, well, we have bigger issues to discuss than your networking style).

🧐 What's the life you want?

🥸 Who do you need to connect with to create the success in life you want?

🤯 How will you build lasting, meaningful connections to have that life?

😎 What will you undertake to do to sustain these intentions?


Can you change your personality? Psychology research says yes, by tweaking what you think and do (The Conversation)

How to Build Your Business Relationships Like An Introvert (Inc.)

Flip open your copy of Build Your Dream Network and re-read the case studies of Manisha Thakor (page 34), Joe Styler (page 75), and Aidan Donnelley Rowley (page 106). All self-identified introverts AND exceptionally successful network-builders. Get inspired by their examples.


Getting to the Top and Staying There (Hidden Brain podcast)

Positioning Yourself For Job Search Success (BYDN Podcast)

On the Blog

How Do You…Define Success? (Poll Results) (BYDN Blog)

Quit Faking It — Networking Is Easier When It’s Authentic (BYDN Blog)

Networking Pro-Tip: R U Memorable (The J in J Kelly)

Successful Women Don’t Network The Way Guys Do (BYDN Blog)


Tory Burch Foundation is looking for 50 incredible women entrepreneurs for their 2025 fellows program.

Subscribe for a network-building boost.