From My Inbox: Looking Back To Look Ahead

Random interesting & useful 💩 pulled from the myriad of emails which land in my inbox.

From My Inbox: Looking Back To Look Ahead

A diversion from the usual From My Inbox as I, as many others did, decluttered over the recent long weekend (this bold, sweeping observation is based on the ridiculous volume of donations to the thrift shops and charity stores in my neighborhood). In my own decluttering process, I flipped through my copy of Postcards From Tomorrow (a collection of letters from an array of women, 270+ to be exact, to their 21-year old selves) curious as to what "postcard" I'd submitted back in 2019 to share with the editor for publication (and don't we all procrastinate a little when we're decluttering, reorganizing, sorting...).

With that, here's my life advice to my 21-year old self (and what I'm subjecting you to reading, this week, from my inbox):

Well, Ms Hoey, writing this letter to you in 2019 brings to mind an old Virginia Slims advertising slogan from the 1970’s: you’ve come a long way, baby. I’ve got the big picture, 35,000 foot view on your life from where I’m sitting – literally - I’m writing this on a flight from Dallas to Vancouver. Looking at you in 1985, still living at home, pursuing your under-graduate degree at the University of Victoria and working part-time in the shoe department at Eaton’s. One thing that has not changed over all these years is your obsession with shoes! Do you have your first passport? I don’t think so. I do know you haven’t imagined the extent of your horizons yet  - and no, you won’t for some time yet. Others have pasted their own disappointments and expectations on you, drowning out your own imagination with doubt, along with healthy dose of demoralizing fear – but just for the time being, I don’t want to give it all away, but you become a published author. And you live in New York City. Right? I heard your gasp. Unimaginable from where you sit now in Victoria, B.C. and frankly, I didn’t see it coming until well, it did.
 Here’s the thing. The “stuff” of successful careers and adventures and love, it all comes later for you. Not that life will be dull or a complete disappointment between age 20 and 48, but trust me, the best is happening now. So to ease the next couple of decades for you, some guidance:
 1.     Hold onto your voice. Yes, you heard me. Your voice, your opinions, your POV. The time will come for you to roar.
2.     Enjoy the career journey, ‘cause it will be journey for a good long while. There are lessons – and dare I say, enjoyment, in the journey. Breathe it all in. All of it.
3.     Take care of yourself.  Self-care is a bit of big deal in 2019 – however, you should have jumped on this trend earlier.
 And flex the skills you’ve scurried away from. You know the ones  - the skills you downplay, dismiss and disregard. Use them more. They’ll come in handy, very handy, later.
 With love, for your fortitude, inner strength and optimism,
 p.s. the oily skin you’re battling right now improves dramatically with age (I promise).

What's your career journey hindsight? That's my challenge for you this week. Open your mind to what was, and the lessons you've drawn from those experiences (including those acne-breakout-this-sucks moments).

🚀 On June 12 Women With Ambition are hosting Networking For Ambition: How High-Achieving Women Build Their Networks (hmmm, wonder who is leading this session).

🚀 Did you nab your ticket for the InvestHer Summit? On June 6 I'm conducting a pre-summit webinar with ticket holders, empowering their networking to ensure optimal connections at the summit.

🚀 Need to reflect on your career journey along with a networking strategy to get you where you're seeking to be next? Book a power-hour with me.

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