From My Inbox: Instruction Manual
Random thoughts (typically related to networking) along with 💩 curated from my inbox.

We should all have an instruction manual - on how to connect well with us. It should contain our preferences (email vs phone vs text) and peeves (😃 meet for coffee or f-off don't ever suggest that to me), so that somewhere in the midst of strongly held individual networking preferences we can acknowledge commonalities or celebrate shared annoyances or simply Venn diagram our way into what sort-of interaction could adequately serve both of us. It could serve as an early warning system of sorts, of what you'd be getting into when you meet with the other person...enabling you to take any unpleasant or awkward conversation far less personally ('hey! it really was them, not me, for once!'). For that reason alone, such an instruction manual would be highly beneficial. Imagine what you could do with all that spare time you no longer have to spend ruminating on shitty conversations!
A networking question earlier this week pitting "analog vs digital first generations" over which generation should bend to the other to improve communications (as if any generation fits into a neat box of widely shared attributes!), then a without warning intro in my inbox has prompted this musing. As did a magnificent email from the Manuscript Academy, announcing their move off of X to BlueSky. Why did I like their announcement? Because it was accompanied by v. clear "here's how it works" instructions for their popular #MSWL hashtag. If you want to successfully communicate with agents and editors using #MSWL, then follow the clearly set-out rules of engagement.
My networking suggestion this week: be clear with your communication preferences - and as we get more done with the help of others, be prepared to compromise.
💡Banter has it's place - as does over-sharing. ‘Be more vulnerable!’ What women can teach men about friendship – and what they can learn from men (The Guardian)
💡Excellent suggestion. Want to Stop Mindlessly Doomscrolling? Pick Up a Book. (Jezebel) + Find more book suggestions here.
💡 Selfish to take time for self development? I don't think so. LeBron James’ wife Savannah talks about her new business venture—and how she built up her own confidence (Fortune)
🤯 Season 1 & 2 of Death of an Artist podcast.
Hypatia Capital is hiring a Portfolio Manager. Their ideal applicant is "a financial services professional who may have left the workforce for some time due to personal reasons, and is looking for a re-entry point with meaningful responsibilities". If this sounds like you, LMK and I'll send you more details.
Comedy, Cocktails, & Cheer: A 50th Anniversary Holiday Spectacular on December 4 with Women's Media Group (WMG) featuring Ophira Eisenberg, Sarah Cooper, Negin Farsad, and Lane Moore. Event proceeds benefit WMG’s scholarships fund.