From My Inbox: Ebbs, Flows and Fall Outs

Random thoughts (typically related to networking) along with 💩 curated from my inbox.

From My Inbox: Ebbs, Flows and Fall Outs

Pause, and think of someone who you've had a falling out with.

The experience of that falling out, was it substantial (say the humiliation of a betrayed secret or the fury of their accomplishment), or was it quiet?

My suspicion is the noisy, more painful experience came to mind. We do love to dwell on personal injustices and wrongs. But pause again to reflect on the relationships that have quietly ebbed into your life, then out. Co-workers, classmates and neighbors. A favorite teacher, or Peloton pal.

The reality of a healthy network is the in and out flow of relationships and interactions. Embrace rather than resist this flow. Acknowledge that as easily as interactions shift, as relationships flow out, other possibilities will emerge. Instead of clinging to the past status quo, release your relationship-building mindset to the inevitably (and possibilities) of the renewing cycle of connections.


How Golden Peacocks on a Dining Room Wall Destroyed a Longstanding Friendship in Victorian Society (Smithsonian)

Racism and discrimination lead to faster aging through brain network changes, new study finds (The Conversation)

Those less close connections in your network? They're valuable, so treat them with care, not convenience. Networking Pro-Tip: Weakening An Already Weak Tie


"Know why you're in the room"- my interview with Women to Watch Media


Do you know an inspiring fintech female ? Perhaps it's a colleague or an industry friend. Maybe someone you admire from afar. Or, maybe it is you! Nominations for NYC FinTech Women’s 2024 Inspiring Fintech Females closes October 18.


Dreaming of a more purposeful work life? Sign-up for Interested?? a curated newsletter for people interested in social justice-minded jobs.  

Subscribe for a network-building boost.