From My Inbox: Do you know what you want?
Random thoughts (typically related to networking) along with π© curated from my inbox.

January is just behind us. And likely too are many of the resolutions you may have enthusiastically made 30-days reason to agonize, most of us are basically π© at keeping New Year's resolutions, 'cause changing up habits is easier resolved than kept.
But then again, maybe it's the resolutions themselves.
For example, as I continue to work on my second book, I could (should?) resolve to a daily writing routine. Butt in chair, 7 days a week, with no excuses or but's until I hammer out the precise number of words I've committed to putting down on paper (FYI best selling author Dan Pink has a daily word count)...and to what end? To be a better writer? Ok, no argument there. To leverage that daily word-count discipline into greater creativity? No argument there either.
Perhaps rather than rattling off resolutions (regardless of how practical, self-improving, inspirational and/or instrumental), is to ask what it is I really really want (cue the Spice Girls) and to plan a course of action from there.
Rather than serenading yourself into slumber with binaural beats, doze off with a big question (or two) such as "What's the problem? What do I really want?". Pose the question, then close your eyes, and give your subconscious mind time to source the answer your rational brain has been challenged to come up with in daylight hours.
π‘ Wellness 2.0: Who Do You Want To Be? (Hidden Brain podcast)
π‘ Joy May Not Be A Strategy But It's A Great Way To Execute One (Does This Make Sense?)
π‘Me versus myself (Aeon)
π‘How Ignoring My Superpower Nearly Cost Me Everything (Joya Dass)
π‘How To Be Quietly Confident (The School of Life)