From My Inbox: Thank You
Random interesting & useful 💩 pulled from the myriad of emails which land in my inbox.

Thank you for these nugget emails!
Yes I rather loved receiving the SO SO SO GOOD! email note. I mean really, whose ego is so BIG that it doesn’t have time for an authentic dose of unsolicited enthusiasm….wait, don’t answer that, answer this question instead: what do you think?
Now back to my routine 💩 (which will continue unless you add your 2 cents via the poll or comment below or if you feel like it, an email or heaven forbid! I may actually post a NOTE on SubStack one day 🤣 ).

Grab your public speaking, executive presence, voice and communication questions and get this date on the calendar: May 24 (that’s when Casey and Julie from Vital Voice Training are hosting Q&A / Office Hours). + Casey and Julie share their insights on harnessing the power of your voice with Jennifer Justice, host of the Takin’ Care of Lady Business podcast.
Investing in Women Founders. May 31st join AwakenHub in NYC to discover how to become part of AwakenAngels, the women founded community with predominantly women investors supporting women led startups across the island of Ireland.
The Women In Innovation (WIN) Awards are back for 2023. WIN is a global platform to celebrate and elevate women, and their awards theme this year is all about Movers & Makers. Find out more (and details on how to apply) here.
Investors, join 37 Angels for their Pitch Forum on Friday, June 23.
Seeking more startup / investor events? Find a lovely curated list here.
Pre-determined destinations. Endless to-do lists. Time lines and deadlines. How about losing track of time, without a step-count accomplishment agenda? How to Wander (Psyche)
Is it an exception to the rule, or just discretion to adapt the rule for the circumstances? The Virtue of Discretion (Aeon)
Women now dominate the book business. Why there, and not in other creative industries? (NPR)
The world, the people in it, and our experiences are not binary or easily defined. Two things can coexist in opposition to each other, and both can be true at the same time. Wonder embraces life’s beautiful, messy complexity in a way happiness doesn’t.
What if we’re so fixated on happiness that we’ve failed to question whether happiness is what we should be pursuing? Happiness is a trap. Here’s what to pursue instead (CNN)
Julia Landauer - 2X champion racecar driver from New York City and Stanford University graduate (yes, NASCAR and a BSc) - is sharing her POV in a new podcast. If you know me, I do love my podcasts, so this one created by my pal Julia, is on my must-listen playlist.

(BTW that’s me and said pal Julia after she slayed me at my 50th birthday roast back in 2015)
You may treat your body as a temple, but how about your world? Take a listen to How to set yourself free with ritual (Psyche)
Feedback + performance reviews are not the same thing (especially when the conversations are divorced from salaries, bonuses and promotion). Having recently been asked about this (that is, how to support employees by delivering effective feedback in a scenario where the manager has no control over salary increases or promotions), I’m again recommending the book Let’s Talk AND suggesting you watch my interview with the book’s author, Dr. Therese Huston.