From My Inbox: Networking Double Standards
Random interesting & useful 💩 pulled from the myriad of emails which land in my inbox.

Oh yeah, more networking 💩 women have to put up with...
"When women built networks rich with high-status contacts, instead of receiving a status boost, their status gradually declined over time,"
Yet Another Annoying Study About Double Standards at Work Shows Social Climbing Works for Men but Backfires Spectacularly for Women (INC.)
Not sure I need to add more networking commentary than that is 💩 this week...ok, maybe one more thought, check your biases. If you trash someone as a social climber at work, check the gender. Do you apply your criticism equally? Then consider what it is, about this person's high-status connections or behavior, which is f'g annoying you? Get to the core of it, rather than tossing 💩💩💩 at someone else.'s what I've got for you from my inbox:
💡Crafting Your Pitch, A Storytelling Framework with Joanne Tombrakos (NYU SPS Integrated Marketing & Communications - video)
💡AI-Generated Kara Swisher Biographies Flood Amazon (404 Media)
💡 Allison Kaufman: Smooth Confident Perfection @ The Shirley Project in Brooklyn
💡 An Anti-Smartphone With a Rotary Designed and Built by Space Engineer Justine Haupt (Colossal)
💡 Book bans? Make that "intellectual freedom challenges" (Axios)
💡 March 15 webinar: The 10 Point Plan to Getting Your First Board (Board Prospects)
and...add more literary fiction to your reading list (Wonderbringers)