From My Inbox: What I'm Working On, Another PR Rant + More
Random interesting & useful đź’© pulled from the myriad of emails which land in my inbox.

I was going to place this at the bottom…but heck no, stating it upfront. If you imagined I was simply a complier and curator of 💩 from my inbox, recommender of non-fiction books and ranter on networking transgressions…let me dissuade you of that wee notion.
I write, not just here, but wow! I am a published author.
And, I am (finally) working on my next book.

I talk a lot about networking not simply because I wrote about it. I care about this topic. Networks and networking changed my career trajectory. AND I am accepting speaking and coaching engagements.
My focus right now is fixated on the networks high-achieving women need to build around their aspirations. This is aligned with the subject matter of book 2. It’s not all I can focus on, tho it is a big one.
My overall mission? Is to help others succeed. As I’ve been quoted as saying, you get where you’re going by helping others get to where they are going.
I have had, and continue to have the opportunity of speaking at leading organizations (Google, Oracle, Cisco, Capital One, Bank of America, Sumitomo Mitsui, Grace Hopper Celebration, Boston Beer Company, Lowe’s, Indiana Conference for Women, Bank of America…to name just a few), and working in a variety of roles from lawyer to professional development to alumni relations to leading a global business network for women to co-founder of a startup accelerator to author, I bring a non-linear wealth of experiences to the conversation.
Let’s co-create win-win opportunities which guide you towards your mission.

Now, back to regularly scheduled good đź’© from my inbox:
- “I didn’t get it” (Seth’s Blog)
- Why strive? Stephen Fry reads Nick Cave’s letter on the threat of computed creativity (Aeon)
- The In-Betweeners (The Realists)
- Why you may feel depressed and anxious when you’re ill – and how to cope with it (The Conversation) h/t to Monica Parker’s Wonderbringers newsletter for this one.
- The country with earliest wake-up time in the world (BBC)
- A Room Of One's Own Funny (Liza Donnelly)
- Wanna Look More Powerful In Meetings? (Vital Voice Training)
- Wonder: The Surprisingly Accessible Emotion That Makes Everything Better (Working On Purpose)
- From freeze to bloom – the rhythms and splendour of life on a flower farm (Psyche)
- The European city where selfies are 'awkward' (BBC)
- Organizational Change Office Hours. A free virtual strategy session for people leaders and change-makers to learn how to design, implement, and sustain organizational change (Commcoterie)
- Can AI predict how long you'll live? Join Collective[i] on February 8 for a
conversation with Michael Geer, Co-Founder of Humanity. - The deadline to apply for GSMA Innovation Fund for Humanitarian Challenges funding is February 12!
- Looking for where to gather with family & friends this summer or retreat with clients? Check out Casa Elena in East Quogue.
I recently mentioned how the PR profession gets under my skin…and shocker, another PR professional sent an email of that ilk (this one, on getting me publicity):
Hey Kelly
Mentioned this to you recently; publishers have more questions. Up for a chat?
Your details were shared with me by our research team. I'm a media researcher with a 'pay on results' PR firm. I find it newsworthy that Women Innovate Mobile* is empowering women in the tech industry. As a leader in the tech industry, I noticed that your website content highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion. Based on industry trends, I'd like to share a media request with you. Can I send it your way? Additionally, I have other media requests that could be an even better fit for you. What do you think?
P.S. Just a heads-up: we don't roll with those upfront fees or retainers. I've looped in a colleague on this communication for reference. Can you 'reply all' when you write back? Helps keep things clear for everyone.
Here’s how I’m tempted to respond:
Hey Veronica, heads-up, I don’t roll with unsolicited outreach that lacks observation, research* and critical thinking. If you’d care to do the real work of figuring out what I care and talk about (doh! should be pretty obvious to a human, from a glance of my posts) then perhaps, I’d give your email actual consideration. Until then, rolling you into spam.
*quick refresher readers: Women Innovate Mobile stopped operating in 2013. I stepped back from an active investor / agitator in tech in 2014/2015 when I bit by the “I want to write a book” bug. My website content, well, it leans heavily towards rants on networking.