From My Inbox: Rethink

Random interesting & useful 💩 pulled from the myriad of emails which land in my inbox.

From My Inbox: Rethink

Just when you think you know something or imagine you have a scenario figured out, think again.

This is where I found myself this past week. 37,000 words of the SFD (shitty first draft) of book number 2 and BOOM! a creative epiphany has me re-thinking the entire damn format. As I head off to savagely edit, re-imagining how to share my words on the page, I've curated a bunch of links to encourage you to re-wire + re-write + re-assess + refresh your thinking.

Envato has never taken on external funding. Built sustainably from nothing into a large tech employer, it’s one of the country’s most successful bootstrapped private companies.
  • Rethink how you launch, grow and scale your business (yes, rethink the need for outside funding). Cyan and Collis Ta’eed achieve a $375.2 million exit, proving you can build a massive business and a life (Women's Agenda)
  • The scientists learning to speak whale (BBC) - take that Duolingo!
  • Bad Women (Podcast) - rethinking and retelling the lives of Jack The Ripper's victims.
  • The history of astronomy is a history of conjuring intelligent life where it isn’t (Aeon)

AND more to get you re-thinking:

  • Invisible lines: how unseen boundaries shape the world around us (The Conversation Weekly podcast)
  • Updating our stuck interactions (Seth's Blog)
  • Why We Believe the Myth of High Crime Rates (Scientific American)
  • Ibrahim Mahama Collaborates with Hundreds of Ghanaian Seamstresses to Envelop the Barbican in Purple Fabric (Colossal)
  • Now trending in nightlife: Bingo raves (Axios)
  • Massive Cosmic Map Suggests Dark Energy Is Even Weirder Than We Thought (Scientific American)
  • The vorfreude secret: 30 zero-effort ways to fill your life with joy (The Guardian)

🚀 Rethink how you're approaching your business in conversation with the help of top experts...on May 8 at the Entrepreneurs's Roulette event sponsored by the Women's Media Group (for women entrepreneurs and business owners in NYC) and on May 20 at SheVentures (for women entrepreneurs and business owners in Ireland).

✅ Think about how you're using your network (and perhaps rethink some of those interactions?). Take my survey.

🚀 Rethink your approach to networking by booking a power-hour with me.

Subscribe for a network-building boost.